Monday, February 28, 2011

quick takes this week

1. Kai's quote of the week: K: Mom, when do you want to go to heaven? Me: Whenever God tells me its time buddy. K: (after only a second to think about it) How about Saturday? 2. Who seriously thought that cooking pizza on the oven rack was a good idea? All it amounts to is burned remnants on the bottom of my oven that burn, smoke and stink. The smell and smoke negatively contribute to the overall census of my cooking skills. 3. Yesterday at 6-something am, I opened the blinds to see Scout wrestling and eating a poopy diaper dragged from the garage trash can. Today I open the blinds to find Kai's bike helmet strapless and with puncture wounds all around the foam. Stupid dog. 4. I sent the kids out in the backyard to soak up some sun before lunch. I keep the window in our kitchen open so I can hear them and check on them every few minutes. Check ONE: Addie is picking up Scout's poop and examining it with her bare hands. Check TWO: Addie is wearing a dress and lite pink tights and is running around the dirt areas with no shoes. Check THREE: "Kai, where is Addie?" She is discovered around the side of the house in the dog house. Check FOUR: Addie is digging in the sandbox with a shovel and pouring it all over herself then carrying it across the yard and dumping it on Scout, who's laying in the yard. Gezzo frizo. 5. Eli has discovered he can squint. He also has learned to use it to his advantage. He cries and squints like he's super upset. I think he's been taking notes from his sister. It's actually pretty cute. 6. We've entered a new era with Kai.....finally. It's out with Thomas the Train and in with Lightning McQueen from the Cars movie.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

LOL!!! Too funny!! This all made me giggle!!