Saturday, February 19, 2011

Love beyond groceries

So here's my story I eluded to on the Valentine's post (reminder I am NOT a writer), The door bell rings. Addie and I are the only ones up during afternoon naps. I figure it's someone trying to sell me a new roof. I swing the door open and hear a chant, "Jesus loves you!" It's our friends with their kids. I am surprised! Their faces are all smiling. I open the screen door to see groceries lining our entire porch and steps. WOW. It takes me a second, but I catch on they are delivering us groceries. I am speechless. I think the phrase "Oh my gosh, thank you" actually DID make it out of my mouth. Tears find their way to my eyes quickly as I process what is going on. "How did you know our need?" I ask. Our friends and the kids start carrying grocery bags into our kitchen. Their kids have hand-picked special snacks for Kai and Addie at the grocery store. Cars fruit snacks for Kai and Princess fruit snacks for Addie. My friend guides me through a little of what's in the bags. I am overwhelmed, but I really don't know what to say. What could I really say? We are both in tears. She knows hard times. She senses my heart. We embrace. She hands me cash for any needs with SK8 Church and a gift card for Derrick's frequent coffee meetings with pastors. My mind is racing. "How did they do this? Why did they do this? Thank you." Our friends leave after many thanks and Addie and I are standing amongst a generous amount of groceries. We start unpacking. I am crying and praying prayers of thanksgiving to God. It has been a rough month. I try to call Derrick to tell him how we've been blessed and I can barely make it through a sentence. Addie is chowing fruit snacks. After we get things put away, I start to compose myself. My mind is thinking more clearly. I am experiencing all these steep emotions; of tremendous JOY for such friends as these, of great THANKFULNESS for groceries that will feed little mouths, of AMAZEMENT in our God for always providing everything we need, and so LOVED when our friends thought to give of themselves and their resources to us who had a need. Once my emotions were somewhat organized, my mind immediately went into RETURN the favor mode. I was brainstorming.....What could I do for them? What could I give them? How could I show our appreciation? What is a need of theirs? God had to stop me. He made sense of it in my mind......This is my blessing through them. It is for YOU. Be gracious and know I love you. I had to take several deep breaths. My friend who delivered the groceries texted later that day to read her blog. I began was THIS story that I am writing but it began far before my doorbell rang. It was a story about my friend's obedience to GIVE. God gave her the desire to give what she thought she could not. God was teaching her (and her family) to love others by giving. The lesson was different for us. Remember: I love you. I will provide for all your needs and beyond. Be blessed and receive joyfully. The lessons were different, but both from God. This act of love touched my heart. What would it look like if God's CHURCH functioned as he intended EVERY day? How can you love someone else today? How can you be a blessing today?


Stephanie said...

I LOVE everything about this!! So many amazing lessons to be learned!!

Jos said...

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Becky said...

Such a great example of the Body at work. So glad you are in community =)

Jaimie said...

so amazing! your friend is an inspiration to us all!

SMB said...

Wow! How wonderful! What a great blessing!

Crystal said...

thanks so much for sharing this story. if any family deserves some generosity, it's yours!