Monday, February 7, 2011

quick 5

Yes, I'm stealing the "quick 5" post this week. It's the way to blog these days! I have these stories and need to get them down before I forget. So without further ado..... 1. Kai has been "kipping" (skipping) around the house all day. He was telling me this on the phone while I was at work and I had the hardest time figuring out what he was saying. I'm seriously impressed with family/friends that translate his speech over the phone. It's no easy task. The best was when he was "kipping" with snow boots, a shirt, and undies tonight. Classic. 2. Addie got her first official haircut at a local beauty college last week. They have $5 haircuts on Mondays, so I figured why not?! My idea was to simply fix the mullet she had going. The front was short but hanging in her eyes and the back was starting to look like a rat tail (if you made it through the 80's you know what I'm talking about)! My only specification to the student was to shy away from official bangs but to get it out of her eyes. After I got her on my lap and bribed her with a sucker, she got bangs. Crooked bangs. Yeah, worse than when we started. I think I'll stick to home cuts for the next few years. 3. Kai has been praying for our every meal. It's cute. He is proud of himself and we are giving him lots of praise for taking on such a big boy role. He's started egocentric praying (natural for 3 years old I believe) but he also prays for his friends, for Eli and Addie, and events happening just as often. A typical prayer may sound something like this, "Tank you to you God for all that you give. Help us have a good supper. Help my friend Campbell feel better and help him to invite me over to play at his house after naptime. Let us have a good nap. Help us have a great snack tonight and I hope mom let's us have marshmallows. AMEN." 4. Eli is on the verge of moving. Seriously, it's happening way too fast. He sits and loves to unload toy bins. He leans and reaches so far he's about in the crawl position and doesn't mind when he takes a topple. He loves to take an upright bath with Kai and Addie (sitting like them instead of reclining in his bath chair. He attempts to fish for floating bath toys and could easily drown if I'm not watching him close. And he's obsessed with watching Scout. He leans to grab her paws, claws, or floppy ears (which she tolerates so well, good doggie). It won't be long. I'm not ready for baby gates and chasing just yet. 5. Derrick joined a church basketball team. They play games once a week at 10pm. I'm going to bed when he goes to play a game. It makes me tired just thinking about it...probably says a little about my workout attitude as well. I thought it was note's Business Time (that's their team name and the joke of the week around here)!!! Well there you have it....once you get going there's a lot to be said. I'll keep it to 5 bullets for your sake readers. Thanks for stopping in.


Stephanie said...

It's Busniess, it's busniess Time!! haha!! We love that.. Just got to brush those teeth first,,,, the joys of married life!

Crystal said...

kai's prayer made me laugh really loud. good thing the dishwasher is running to drown out my cackle since lincoln is sleeping!

SMB said...

I have a good person for haircuts for kids if you want. Let me know. cute post.