Friday, May 4, 2012

A quick take

I lost my camera cord for the time being, so bare with me in a few pictureless posts.

A few quick happenings at our house:

1. Tonight Kai prayed for Derrick and I to "be cooler." I expected this, just not for 10 more years. A little slap in the face from a 4 yr old when you're still under the impression you ARE cool.

2.  In the car on the way to the grocery store, Addie found a old sticky note on the floor and reviewed it stating she was prepared to buy "broccoli and food" while we were at King Sooper (she's not my broccoli lover by the way). She also wore her princess dress-up dress without clothes underneath. A women awkwardly commented on her outfit in the store and it wasn't until then I realized her whole chest was showing because the dress isn't her normal size (it should go OVER the clothes). It had a nice little sag in the front right below her nipples. (Mostly funny because she's been insisting on playing with her shirt OFF like her brothers and we are working on teaching her that girls keep their shirts on for privacy and modesty. Nice mom, way to drive home that lesson!)

3. Addie or Kai have gotten Eli out of bed 3 out of 5 days this week. They greet him, help him out of bed, carry his blankies for him, and get him his morning juice. So sweet.

4. Imagine the scene: 5 kids under 5 for 8 hours. A fun playdate with 2 friends so their momma could rest. 5 carseats in my van, 5 bodies to check in at BSF, 5 little snacks and 5 little lunch plates, 5 or more small arguments. But 4 superheroes marching around the house with weapons in hand to protect 1 little princess trailing behind. They were all chanting about how great they were at their job and the phone number to reach them at (random numbers included). Pretty stinkin' cute!

5. Not really note worthy, but welcome to the summer bath schedule. Boo. The feet are black and stinky. The hair has sand in it. The hands are sticky and the fingernails are dirt packed. The tub has a brown ring and the water is instantly discolored. Honestly it's a love/hate relationship. :)

Enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

Jos said...

I loved reading this post!! Love the random tidbits from your life. :)