Thursday, May 17, 2012

For love of a green turtle sandbox

Sand is a love and hate relationship for me. 
I can't help but think, brown rings and gritty tubs= more cleaning for me. Sand in the hair and in between the toes (and every crack and crevis in between those places) = more baths for me to give. The fews glory days before more sand is OUTSIDE the sandbox than actually housed in it= more $ for me to pay for more sand. (You catching my drift here?)

the countless hours that have been spent in that green turtle since it was given to us 4 years ago can't be counted as anything other than a blessing, a cheap babysitter on occasion and pure summer fun! So here's to the green turtle sandbox that resides in our yard----SHOVELS UP!
Happy Dirty Diggers!
Kai digging sewer lines throughout the sandbox.

Addie forming the top of her castle.

 This picture was taken before much of the sand made its way OUT of the sandbox and onto the tarp!
Hard at work with a different project for each....sewer lines and a castle, and the wrecking of sewer lines and castles :)

My kids are drawn to the sand wherever we go. Addie in her dress on her birthday IN THE SAND.

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