Tuesday, April 5, 2011

An Addie post

Our Addie-girl is the spunk in our lives. Our sweet and sassy in one (as I've said it before). She copies Kai's excitement in everything, she screams when frustrated at anything, she is stubborn about most things, and dances to any beat. She is almost 23 months. She's still under 20 lbs. She is the messiest eater EVER (and often refuses to use any sort of utensil, did I mention she's stubborn?). But she is my biggest cuddler. She loves to snuggle with us in bed in the morning and allow her momma 20+ additional minutes of horizontal rest on occasion. She's into HOT and COLD lately. She determines if food is hot or cold before anything else is taken into consideration. And then she questions you about it. It's cute. We are understanding probably about 70% of her speech (although we'd probably have to translate for you). She and Kai fight more than they every have. And funny, she usually wins. She hits whenever you make her mad or frustrated.....Kai is a slow learner on that one! LOL Lately she's more aware of girlie things. She wants me to put makeup on her when I'm getting ready in the morning. She applies chapstick all over her chin and lips...over and over and over. She likes her toenails painted (along with Kai) and she lets me try hairstyles as long as I don't hurt her. Overall, she has a very independent personality. My cutie pie. Addie watching the gorillas at the zoo. The gorilla on the other side of the glass didn't seem to bother her. She watched the orangatans for 10 mins because there was a baby. She kept pointing to the male saying "Daddy," pointing to the female saying "Mommy," etc. She identifies relational connections well. Drinking her Ovaltine in her snowboots......this is an outfit spurred on by her brother. Dress up (or undress actually) in snowboots always means an adventure to somewhere exciting! The double passy. We're taking small steps to get rid of these (and the handful of others she has stashed around the house, car, etc). It makes for long cranky/stubborn/tearful hours on occasion, but it is time.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

cute, cute, cute little miss thang!