Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter 2011

Praise God for the 3rd day. Praise Him that we can say, "He is Risen!" Easter is a refreshing time of year to reflect on the price that's been paid for our iniquities. It brings me back to the basics of my faith in God. It's emotional. It's humbling. It's renewing. It gives my mind the visuals to always assure me, yes it is done. I can stand before God as the image of Christ because of the gift he has given me and the grace He shows me every day. Now that the kids are getting older, I have been deciphering how to teach and demonstrate the true meaning of Easter. It's the same battle at Christmas. Christian holidays have been taken over by the world tradition, markets, etc. Easter is not about easter egg hunts, decorating eggs, candy, and presents in their baskets. Yes, there are symbols behind these practices but they are rarely taught or mentioned. I don't have the answer. I like doing these traditions and grew up doing them myself. I'm not there yet. My kids are not there yet. We dyed eggs and hunted for them this year. But for weeks we did talk about Jesus' death and resurrection. Kai is starting to understand and question. We made resurrection bread (bake the marshmallow in the biscuit and it disappears when you eat it to representing the empty tomb). I want my kids to know and recognize Jesus on Easter before the Easter bunny. What's you Easter traditions? Dying eggs. Wow, what a mess. Needless to say, the eggs were one color this year. No special egg crayons, stickers, glitter, etc. The egg hunt. Yes, we used the real deal. Kai and Addie actually did pretty good being "gentle" (however, I did place a dish towel in the bottom of their egg buckets). Eli didn't exactly hunt. But as you can see, he does like eggs, especially the yolks once they were peeled. This the only Easter outfit pic I remembered to take. Addie ended up having a really high fever the whole day. She was miserable and this is pretty much what she looked like. Poor girl in cute dress. She had a little sweater too, but she was burning up in it!

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