Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vague Understanding

People often ask if Kai knows a new baby will soon share "his" EVERYTHING! We've been trying to introduce the sister concept and acclimate him to "baby rules" ("shhh, baby's sleeping," "gentle please," etc) However, he has failed to show any understanding that "baby in mama's tummy" means something is about to change. He sees it more as a very weird looking belly button to push or a drumming opportunity (not gently I might add)! The other day when we were all in the same room together, Kai randomly stops playing and points very intentionally to Derrick and says "Daddy," points to himself and says "Kai," points to me and says "Mama," and then runs over to me and rubs my belly gently and says "ba-be!" I was stunned! He must sort of grasp something of the concept of his new baby sister who will enter the world soon enough! There's hope.

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