Thursday, April 30, 2009
35 weeks
Today marks 35 weeks for our little munchkin. We've decided our kids just REALLY can't wait to meet us! We must be pretty cool least that's what I'm taking away from all this.
Your prayers are being heard and God has been so good to us through all this. He has honestly given me a strength I KNOW is not of myself to be able to lay in a bed or recline in a chair all day long for almost a month now! He has provided numerous help from family and friends in the ways of encouragement, prayer, phone calls, emails, gifts, babysitting, meals, and more. Thank you again to all those people who God has used to bless us!
My goal is 2 more weeks of bedrest. At that point my doctor feels the baby is mature enough to be very healthy and it will be okay for nature to run its course (meaning no more medications or bedrest). Yeah! Please keep that as your prayer. The excitement and daunting task of having a newborn again is just sinking in. I'm sticking to the motto: "better late than never" on this one!
Vague Understanding
People often ask if Kai knows a new baby will soon share "his" EVERYTHING! We've been trying to introduce the sister concept and acclimate him to "baby rules" ("shhh, baby's sleeping," "gentle please," etc) However, he has failed to show any understanding that "baby in mama's tummy" means something is about to change. He sees it more as a very weird looking belly button to push or a drumming opportunity (not gently I might add)!
The other day when we were all in the same room together, Kai randomly stops playing and points very intentionally to Derrick and says "Daddy," points to himself and says "Kai," points to me and says "Mama," and then runs over to me and rubs my belly gently and says "ba-be!"
I was stunned! He must sort of grasp something of the concept of his new baby sister who will enter the world soon enough! There's hope.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Mama's Home
Shelbie was released from the hospital today and we are both super happy she is home. Kai has been pretty grumpy for the past few days- fighting a cold and missing his mama big time.
She is still on strict bedrest and taking meds to help keep the contractions down. She was in the hospital for a week and a half and for 4 days she was all alone because everyone else was snowed in. Iam pretty sure she is glad to be home and have her own bed back- although the bed is going to need some altering to accomodate her.
Thanks for everyones prayers and support during this time. Iam sure Shelbie would still love all the calls and visits to help pass the time.
Here are a few picture from the past weeks
I think thats our car. Close to 3 feet of snow.
Home At Last?
Pray today. If my cervix cooperates I may go home today. I'm off to the test. Keep you posted.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
33 week marker
Today I am 33 weeks pregnant. Today is the equivalent day Kai was born it has me reflecting. I am so thankful for God's "heads up" with this little one on any complications. Although it's still difficult on many levels, He has definitely prepared us for whatever trial sneaks up this time. He is good.
All the babysitters are getting sick on me! I think Kai had a little flu bug this last weekend and is now re-cooping....however, he has apparently spread it to everyone who's been watching him. So please pray that everyone would feel refreshed, strengthened, and back to tip-top shape by the weekend.
Things at the hospital are pretty status quo. Thanks to everyone for their company, gifts, and prayers. Our little munchkin is still doing well. My cervical length has extended by 1 cm in the safest direction since my admit here...which is a positive thing. I've been having less but still some "irribility" contractions the last 2 days. I had another Fetal Fibronectin test today that predicts if you'll deliver in the next 7 days (amazing technology if you ask me).....haven't heard the results yet. It was negative last pray it will be again.
My mom will arrive today to help with Kai the next week. Pray she arrives before our snow storm does!
Within this whole hospital/bedrest ordeal, it has been hardest being away from Kai and Derrick. I feel so helpless going from caring for Kai fully to not at all. Please pray for my strength in this area.
Again thanks for your prayers and support....we couldn't do it without the help of our friends and family. God is faithful to provide for what we need through this....and He continues to teach us along the way.
Hospital Stay
We are officially here......Memorial North hospital for extended bedrest. My last Friday doctor's appt. showed further deterioration of my cervical length and accompanying small frequent contractions. Our doctor is attempting to prevent another premature labor (@ 32 wks) and THIS is the safest place for the baby and I to be monitored. Baby seems to be healthy and I'm just "hanging out" and "laying low."
We are geared up for an extended stay.....several weeks, unless a baby comes sooner.
Derrick and I's parents are pitching in big time help with Kai while I'm laid up here and Derrick is back and forth between home, hospital, and work.
Please keep these things in your prayers:
1. Monday ultrasound for baby's health.
2. My ability to "chug" water to keep hydrated without IV fluids and to keep the uterus fluids adequate for the baby.
3. Resolution of a bladder infection I had that contributes to contractions and therefore deterioration of the cervix.
4. For Kai, for a small intestinal bug. Kai has had fever and is not eating well....although seems in better spirits this Easter Day!
5. For Derrick, to balance life.......caring for me, baby, and Kai as well as himself, work, and other chores.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
A weeks glance
Prayer Need
We are in need of family and friends' prayers. Last Friday at our bi-weekly ultrasound it was discovered our little munchkin may be planning yet another very early arrival! Therefore, we have prayed and prayed for her to stay "in the oven" and made some necessary changes this past week to prevent that from happening.
It has been a difficult adjustment. I am suppose to do "nothing" while Derrick does everything......or so it seems in my eyes! The doctors orders are for "light duty," meaning no exerting myself with heavy lifting for the most part (Kai, laundry, groceries, etc). It's proving to be much harder than it sounds. I've had to suck up alot of pride to let everyone else "do it" for me.
Although with the changes have come a new toddler bed for Kai so Mama doesn't have to lift him in and out of the to follow soon. We just finished painting it today.
Please keep us and our little girl in your prayers. We will be having ultrasounds weekly from now on to keep a close eye on the situation, in addition to some new medications to help stop pre-term labor. We really must have faith to trust God's timing in EVERYTHING.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
A taste of snow
Kai has always liked to chew on ice and now that we've finally gotten a little snow this last week, he has had plenty of opportunities. He has been picking up BROWN ice chunks from the rug at the front door from Daddy's work boots to suck on. Gross! So Derrick decided to just get him his own bowl of fresh WHITE powder from outside to quench the ice craving! Here he is enjoying his snow!
New Rides
New "horse," no chariot!
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