Friday, September 12, 2008


I've been 'called-out' about my "slacky" blogging lately. Derrick was in CA for a week attending a skate ministry conference and took our camera to capture the moments.....therefore, leaving Kai and I pictureless. So I snapped a few just for this blog.....I know, not ideal. In the last few weeks, Kai is becoming more and more mobile! He is starting to stand by himself, transfer from furniture to furniture, and walk with his new walker toy! (An excellent second-hand buy in Rapid). Kai frequently bumps into other toys and furniture and keeps trying to plow through.....there's just not enough room in our living room.

Kai is also becoming a little "helper." And I do mean "little". He is RIGHT there while I'm trying to load the dryer or dishwasher making the task much more difficult!

I missed most of the smile in this pic, but I love that his two bottom teeth are big enough to poke through when he smiles or chews! He's also becoming very vocal. He is constantly babbling nonsense. We've only pinned a few "words" to date. He says: da-da for daddy, cot for Scout, pa-pa for Papa Don, and Bomp-pa for Grandpa. He really is starting to mimick though. I'll say "graham cracker" and he'll try to get all the syllables in with a similar sound. Very cute.

I'll try to catch some true "candid" moments in the next week and get up on my blogging. Sorry to all who are "regulars" here. See you then.

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