Tuesday, August 26, 2008

SD Play Time

On our "off time" from wedding events, we were able to squeeze in a trip up to Silver City to play on the ATV's and enjoy the Black Hills. Here's Kai "driving" one of the jeeps! Grandpa and Kai seemed bonded on this trip. Kai was already starting to grasp some words at home (like pa-pa for Papa Don, pa-p for puppy, and out for Scout)....although they don't always sound like the word, we know what he's referring to. Kai caught on to "gran-pa" this weekend and would point at him as he walked through the room. It was so cute. Grandpa Craig feeding Kai to help keep him quiet during the wedding! While in SD we visited a 2nd hand shop and found a great new toy for Kai....it's a walk-behind toy to help Kai learn to walk. We had been thinking about getting something similar and thought he'd be able to use it soon.....well, not soon enough. Kai got behind that thing and took off on his own! He surprised all of us! So now he's really into walking behind it and walking holding your hands. It won't be long ...........

1 comment:

Kristina said...


He's getting so BIG! You look like you're loving being a mom. :)