Addalyn is now 8 months old. Where has time gone? She seems to make "leaps and bounds" in development in a weeks time.
Her new list of tricks includes: 3 teeth (2 lower and 1 upper), she feeds herself puffs or Cheerios, she shares a room with her big brother, and she is NOT interested in crawling whatsoever!
-Together Kai and Addie stay up in their room talking and singing for almost an hour every night. We're still adjusting to try to get them in bed a little sooner!
-Addie wakes up daily at 5am for mommy to change her wet diaper. Annoying! But she likes to snuggle and fall back asleep until around 7am. Praise God!
-She will NOT eat baby food with a plastic bib. It must be cloth or she boycotts the whole meal! Seriously? More laundry. -She is completely content to sit and watch Scout or Kai play or chew on her toys for 30+ mins! -Every time Daddy walks through the door she give him a GI-normous smile (like the one below). This girl loves her daddy! -Kai and I are trying to teach Addie to clap. She just thinks WE are funny and laughs. No clapping yet. -If Kai is laughing at us or the dog, Addie watches him and laughs. She adores her big bro! -She is still the sweetest thing ever!Kai is about 2.5 years now and for the most part a pretty sweet toddler. He continues to surprise us with what he is able to communicate and remember!
-He is catching on that when he tests mommy and daddy there ARE ALWAYS consequences. Finally! He will apologize as soon as he remembers he's going to hopes of not going.
-He was on a potty training role for a while until I switched the incentive from M&M's to a sticker chart. Bad move on my part. He is no longer intersted. So we're considering Plan C to begin soon! Probably back to food incentives.
-He loves to take bathes with Addie, although doesn't like to share his tub toys. I am teaching him to barter with her to keep everyone happy.
-He is noticing and questioning differences in boys and girls. This is interesting. When he does say something eluding to body parts, it's mostly just honest.
-He loves Scout. They are buddies. He reads her books, shows her toys, wants her to participate with his games and play (hence, she is in the tent below).
-Recently, he's developed a stutter with certain sounds. We're just watching it now....praying its just a phase of communicative growth.
they look SO BIG compared to the last time i saw your kids! adorable!
I love going through all of these milestones right along with you guys. They are such sweet little ones. I love that picture of Addie on the sled...super cute.
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