Monday, January 4, 2010

Far too long....

Yes, I am back! It truly has been far too long since the last official blog and far too much happening to not be keeping up! Derrick even attempted to motivate me at one point by posting pictures with the phrase "Update to come..." Bless his heart, it didn't work. Excuses mainly related to (in some way): 1. PREGNANCY #3 (sorry if this is your first ear full of it) I have been beyond exhausted (napping during all available blog time), NOT motivated whatsoever, and am now back to puking morning and night. Love the baby, hate the hormones. We are full tilt and almost done with the 1st trimester. Thank goodness...hopefully yucky symptoms to subside and energy to return very soon!!! 2. HOLIDAY MADDNESS! It happens every year so it's not really a valid excuse, but we were able to spend Christmas with my family in SD this year. That means, shopping done on time, cookies made, holiday parties attended BEFORE leaving. Sheeezzzz....we DID make it. More to come on Christmas...I promise. So prepare yourselves....we're starting back before Thanksgiving and working through all these pics! So hopefully you'll be able to check more frequently and actually find something new! Enjoy.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Oh my goodness! Congrats, Shelbie! When are you due? I am so happy for you guys! I wish I could see your cuties in person!