Saturday, March 14, 2009

Winter in SD

We went from 65 degree CO to 5 degree SD this past week to visit Grandpa and Grandma Hansen. It was a brutel change for those of us who have only had to pull out fleeces to wear all winter! But we found a few fun indoor activities to keep us busy.....on top of exploring the old but new surroundings! Grandma has a firetruck book that Kai absolutely LOVES. I've never seen him even remotely interested in another firetruck book ......I think it must have something to do with the special voices that both grandparents use while reading the book! He kept giving his "super concentrated" face as they read.
We also built a tent out of blankets and a card table....which was a first for Kai. It took him a few good BONKS to figure out he couldn't stand in the tent . He played by taking his "ba-ba" (blankie) into the tent and announcing "nigh-nigh." Too bad a nap never resulted!
We also got a chance to see Great Grandpa Ernie. Kai was "shy and scared" of him the entire time. This is kind of new for him......he covers his eyes when meeting someone that isn't familiar to him. Normally, he will warm up after a few minutes, but not this time. What a bummer for Great Grandpa because he loves kids!
Bubbles was another indoor activity until Kai kept eating them. We'll save those for summer.
Derrick and I also took Kai to Rapid City's indoor public swim center. Very cool. Last time we went Kai wasn't so sure about it, but he started to come out of his shell! I didn't get pics because our camera had died (besides who wants pics of a pregnant lady in a swimsuit anyway), but his favorite was the current river that you can walk around and watching Daddy go down the BIG slide!

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