Thursday, March 5, 2009

Theatrical week

Cranky Toddler
Kai has officially stopped sucking his thumb! It's a praise and curse at the same time. On the up side....He won't be the 2nd grader who sucks his thumb during class that the teacher has to address with mom during conference time, but he also is not soothing himself with ANYTHING else.....therefore, we have a cranky toddler. VERY cranky this last week--there's a little proof in the picture. This was after at least an hour of angry crying over not letting him hold the juice box himself and then spilling all over Derrick by squeezing it and then confinement to his packnplay. These are the parenting occassions we just have to pray through, ask for grace and patience, and remember the "easy" times.
Literally, EVERYONE in mama's lap!
My lap was the hot spot on Sunday night! 27 week baby, toddler, and 60 lb. puppy all in my lap! What a ride! And we all fit.....barely!
Basket Boy
Kai has always liked baskets. Now he likes to get in and out of them by himself. It's not rare that it gets a little TOO quiet and I find him inside a basket or laundry basket.
Cake Decorating Accomplished
My sister-in-law Emily and I "graduated" from our cake decorating class at Michael's craft store this past weekend. We decided to practice on cupcakes again during class (mainly because they are easier to make). This is a few of the final products and techniques I learned. Yes, I made the roses....they are the ONLY ones that turned out all 4 weeks! Hopefully my next kid cakes will be a bigger success! I'm glad I took that class.....thanks Mimi for taking with me!
These boots were made for indoors apparently! There hasn't been much snow this winter to utilize this purchase outside! Kai can say "boots" and will seek them out in his closet, bring them to me, sit on my lap, and hold his foot up prepared for me to slip it in for him! So cute. He walks like a cowboy or someone in ski boots for the first time! We'll just keep pretending inside for now (I'm not wishing any snow on us at this point....spring fever has hit).


Jos said...

Wow, ending the thumb sucking is such a huge accomplishment! That must have been tough. I liked reading all your updates...the cupcakes look amazing. I'm impressed.

Crystal said...

how did you get him to stop sucking his thumb? i sucked mine until 3rd grade - no lie! (only when i was sleeping though ...) dan's recent developmental psychology lecture was on spanking. i think it put a new perspective on things ... oh, the fun to come!