Friday, February 6, 2009

My GYM with ELMO

Who Knew Kai had a "thing" for Elmo???
Elmo was a special guest at the MY GYM in Castle Rock on their free weekend. We went to meet our playgroup to check the place out. They had all the kids and moms sit around the circle for Elmo's big introduction. Then they formed a gigantic line to get your picture with him. Towards the end of the line, I thought I'd see if Kai would even consider his pic with Elmo. He can say "elmo" b/c he got some Elmo books for Christmas that he enjoys, but we don't have him watch any TV just yet. So it was to MY surprise that he was really excited about this opportunity! Anyway, he sat for the pic and did several "happy dances" when watching Elmo from afar. Here's the circle awaiting Elmo.......notice Kai is the only one standing. He was either more excited than I realized or just doesn't listen well!
Here's one of the obstacles he enjoyed climbing into. Kai was fond of this carpeted slide too. He liked that he could climb up it and then he had to scoot down or I had to pull him for the "weeee" affect.
And then, of course, there were the balls. Derrick has gotten Kai into basketball by taking him to the camp gym to play with the real thing. So naturally, he thrived in this area. Although I'm not sure he could really throw the balls into the hoop just yet. But he threw them and carried them around nicely. Thata boy. ]
All in all, a very fun place to visit.

1 comment:

Jos said...

I'm glad you guys had fun! It was good to see you...Kai is such a cute guy.