Thursday, June 28, 2012

June Jumbalaya!

The name of this post is strictly how we are feeling with >100 degrees every day around here, nothing to do with the acutual content.....just spicy!

We got to visit Grandma and Grandpa earlier this month for a family wedding. It was busy with wedding events, but we squeezed a few other outings in as well, including Dinosaur Park, a dip in the lake, a short hike and some bike riding practice.

Eli, Kai, and Addie riding the Brontasauras tail at Dinosaur Park.

Eli perched on a Stegasauras.
We attended my Uncle Jon and new Aunt Pam's wedding, which was all held in beautiful Custer State Park. It was fun to drive through and spend time in the Black Hills each day for the different events. Another bonus: we got added time with Uncle Reid, soon-to-be Aunt Kelly, and Uncle Kyle and other family as well. After the pre-wedding BBQ died down, we took a dip in the Center Lake.
Eli and Kelly in the lake

Warming up with Uncle Reid
My mom's sister, Bonnie stayed with us in town one of the kids all LOVE her!
Bon and Addie painting toes
The wedding ceremony was a beautiful little shady spot along the creek and the reception was in a pavilion at the Custer State Game Lodge.

Daddy and Addalyn in her "garden fairy dress."

The whole Hansen crew

This little guy was the life of the party....sneaking cake and dancing up a storm!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Eli is a heartbreaker in that little suit- oh my goodness! So good to see you guys. Shoot me some of those cousin pics when you get a chance!