Friday, June 29, 2012

Call it blessed

So I'm forcing myself to call it "blessed" that we have had a schedule filled-to-the-brim this month of June. To be brutally honest, it goes against my nature to see it that way. I get tired, cranky, and overwhelmed. I guess in my head, June is a restful month with cool temperatures. But that just isn't how it went down this month. All the jam packed STUFF that we've filled our month with has also been filling in other ways as well. It IS blessings and we will call it just that. 
We've had 2 vacations (with the kids is it ever really vacation?), more family time together, more quality time with skaters and encouragement with Process Skateboard Ministry, extra work which = extra money, a WILD week helping and attending VBS with 350 kids, a visit from our favorite NE cousins, a new website for Process (, Eli turned 2, we have an awesome 20 yr. old guy named Rich living with us for the summer, we ventured on our 1st family camping trip (more to come on that), BBQs and fresh fruits and veggies, popsicles and iced tea, and summer fellowship with friends and extended family! Now that I list it all out, it sounds pretty darn good!

Kai geared up for his 1st day of Gold Metal Camp VBS!

The 7 cousins! Issac 4, Kai 4, Drew 7, Eli 2, Addie 3, Ella 3, and little Tessa 10 mos in front.

Three precious girls with their smiles!

These girls are 6 days apart. Each visit they play and bond more and more. So cool! They both happen to love the camera this night............

The boyz representing! Not so into the camera :)

Maybe capturing a few personalities here??

MooMoo (grandma) had gotten all the kids bubble guns. Some of the guns weren't working quite right but they compensated as bubble stackers, leaving one very wet and soapy carpet on the deck!

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