Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Marching band TRIO

Yes, we had a marching band by default. Now that Eli is getting into cupboards and pulling things out, on OCCASION I just let him. It's always when I'm in the kitchen to referee. But it helps me actually get something done. However, on this occasion I ended up having the whole crowd in there "helping" Eli pick an instrument for the marching band trio. Seriously, what was I thinking????? :) Here's Eli when he first started pulling stuff out of the cupboards by himself. Here's when Eli started getting some help! The pot lid cymbals were the biggest hit....of course the loudest and most annoying as well. Here's Kai and Addie showing me their rhythm. You can bet there was some singing involved as well as marching through the front room and kitchen. I guess I'll be thankful they are interested in some sort of music. Don't they say music makes you "smarter?" Guess it couldn't hurt. Side note about music: Kai has just started requesting music (OUR music) in the car. He surprises us on how many words he actually knows. His favorite right now is David Crowder's "Everything's Glorious." Addie doesn't request songs yet, but she is the one yelling to me from her seat, "LOUDER!" Makes for quieter, yet loud car rides (make sense?). I like it.

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