Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Eli's 1st haircut

It was a 2 man job for this.....Eli got his 1st haircut! He was extremely squirmy. But it was necessary. He had sideburns down to his jaw and bangs in his eyes. He also had been called a girl on several occasions lately. So it HAD to be done. He really looks like he has a "bowl cut" in the front because his stick-straight hair. Haircuts are not my best skill...or even near the top for that matter. But luckily it will grow back. We were desperately grabbing any objects from the bathroom counter to keep him interested and still. He was pretty happy through the whole process as you can see. The after-bath. Wet headed cutie pies.


Stephanie said...

What cute pics!! Eli should send Arlo some hair this way!! We are still bald as can be!

Jos said...

You've been able to catch such cute moments with the three of them - I love the bath one and the one of them off the exit by the tree. So adorable!