Thursday, April 22, 2010

We are padding Kai up for the summer...literally. He picked out a Spiderman set of pads and helmet in prep for riding his Strider bike outside in the gravel and hitting the sk8park! As you can tell, he was pretty psyched to try them on! Just a cute one of Addie in her little 80's outfit! She is loving to stand, although still struggling to get there herself! I'm way behind in posting videos. This first video is of Addie's scoot! This is literally her crawl and she is able to reach objects further away than one would think! She is also my little dancer! She bee-bops to most all music....especially funny when she's standing! The second video is Kai and Addie playing a watered-down version of peek-a-boo at lunch. This a common game at meal time around here. Kai is such a good older brother....he likes to make his sister laugh and he can sometimes get her to do it when no one else can. The bond is forming already! LOL Enjoy.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

you should've seen lincoln smile when he was watching the peek-a-boo video! your kids are so sweet!