Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Big Brother

Big Brother seems bigger and BIGGER!
Kai's been hitting the park alot lately when weather permits. Due to my lack of shopping in the last 2 months, we had yet to get him a hat for summer. We found this one last minute to shade him and prevent sunburn thinking he probaby wouldn't keep it on anyway....but he loves it. He wears it in the house, in the car, and while outside. It's super cute. He is also highlighting one of his new tools from Addie (a gift on arrival home).
Kai is so sweet to Addie. He gives her lots of gentle kisses and frequently checks to make sure she's okay when crying and mommy isn't holding her. He also points to the "baby" when in the room with her and says "bye bye" and "nigh nigh" to her.
Kai is now at the age he enjoys watching TV/DVDs and actually is learning some things from them. He mainly asks for "Elmo" or "choo-choos" (Thomas the train). He has certain parts he really likes in his videos and will intently watch like this.

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