Thursday, October 30, 2008

Game time decision

My sister-in-law got me at this game....I'll give it a try. The rules of the first game are: 1) Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog. 2) Share 7 facts about yourself, some random, some weird. 3) Tag 7 more people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4) Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs. Hummm... 7 facts: 1. I'm in the middle of a vampire book series. The latest Stephanie Meyer's series. Modern day vampires if you will. Yes, very surprising. I'm not big reader, but I'm hooked! 2. When TV is available, I get easily hooked on the Soapnet shows. I'm ashamed to admit. What a waste! 3. Once upon a time, I would go hunting with "the boys" for pheasants this time of year. I loved it. Girls should really take up more activities along these lines. 4. Tomorrow is Halloween and I have yet to get Kai his first official costume! Talk about procrastination. 5. I'm pregnant. Hence the lack of blogs lately. I have no motivation and am throwing up morning and night. They say it gets better at 14 weeks......ONE MORE MONTH. No way.....that's an eternity. 6. I crave chocolate milk lately. 7. I have not shaved my legs in almost 2 wks. Did I mention I'm not motivated? Tag: Josie, Susan, Sheila, Sarah, Derrick, Crystal, Jackie

1 comment:

Sheila said...

I'll definitely play along (after my nap!)

YOU'RE PREGNANT! Hooray-- I'm glad you told me to come by! I am excited about having our 2nd anytime now! I'm 37 weeks today, but he has until Nov 14th to come on his own. :o) Being pregnant with a toddler is a whole new level of TIRED!

I miss you, girlie!