Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A quick 5 to jumpstart November

It's been awhile...............just a quick 5 to jumpstart the month of November. 1. Lately, Addie has been whispering most of her non-frustrated language. She also has a strong opinion on most of the clothes I pick out for her to wear. The other day she ran up to me with a shirt SHE picked out from her drawer and whispered, "can you put on this precious shirt?" Ever since then, a few select shirts have become her precious shirts. 2. I have re-named Eli my "little sidearm slinger." He winds his right arm all the way back and whacks everything lately (whips his blankets or clothes around, whacks with toys, or aims anything at Addie). Let the hitting phase begin.......along with the time-out step. One of the benefits of multiple children in similar stages is they sort of know the drill when it come to discipline. Eli only gets up on the time-out step when he hits but his body language and facial expressions indicate remorse. He sits still and only moves his head with his eyes tilted low to his toes. It's sweet. Other times he's so proud he's one of the big kids on the step, he just smiles. I usually have a problem keeping my "serious" face either way! 3. I'm griping on to Kai's dwindling nap time by small threads these last 2 weeks. I'm trying to come to terms with less "alone" time in the afternoon (when it does play out that way). He's become the culprit for preventing his little bro and sis from a nap that is VERY needed due to his singing, talking, jumping in bed, etc. So we've switched rooms (Kai and Eli are now roommates) hoping that will help and allow Eli to get used to sharing his room. 4. This week I took all the kids to TOYS R US (Pretty sure I was sober and sane when I decided to do that). The first 45 minutes in the store were actually pretty good then the egocentric toddler mode set in. I think getting everyone out of the shopping cart to play at the Thomas the Train table in the store was where everything went downhill. Although we left with crying and frustration, Kai was able to sum up our visit, "Mom, just get me the huge gun and the McQueen riding car okay?" 5. Kai asked for hot chocolate this morning with his breakfast. After breakfast he asked if he could drink it on the couch with me for "coffee talk." Now, he's reading his bible with Daddy on the couch. I think he skipped a few years there somewhere?!?!


Stephanie said...

I LOVE the updates Shelbs!! They always make me smile and laugh! I can't wait to see you and your super cute kiddos in a month!! A much needed overdue reunion!

SMB said...

Very cute. Have Kai do "quiet" time so you still get your time in the afternoon!