Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mostly around the house

As stated before, we do play at home more often these days. I admittedly have allowed more TV watching within the last 4 months than I ever intended to allow my kids. But, desperate times call for desperate measures as they say. On the upside, I'm finally figuring out what keeps everyone entertained and engaged, quiet and happy outside of TV time. Any form of wrestling and chasing is entertaining, although NOT quiet. Having a snack or drink in hand= quiet and HAPPY (and wet as you can see)! Eli is simply entertained/engaged/happy with some "mommy time." (My easy one! LOL) He is grasping toys, rolling from tummy to back, giggling, and smiling like crazy! Playdoh is the gold standard on the above requirements (for the time being anyway) especially after we aquired some new "tools" to make sculptures. Addie keeps it out of her mouth (majority of the time) although now she stashes chunks of playdoh between her highchair edge and her thighs......she plays in her diaper now. LOL I'm not sure if we can give Eli the credit on this one, but everyone has become very nurturing at our house. Addie and Kai both play with "babies" daily. They include them in play, feed them, take them for rides in the grocery cart, etc. But nothing tops some REAL baby time with Eli!


Crystal said...

everyone is getting so big! love the updates with the pictures!

Becky said...

Addie's hair is getting so long! Can't wait to get the whole crew together for Thanksgiving! And don't sweat the TV- post-baby months allow for more TV and fast food. It's just a fact of life. You are doing great with three busy little ones!