Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gettin' dirty and tired

Summer days are back! I love dirty, happy and tired kids. Life seems more simple, yet busy! Each outing is an adventure and our yard has become Kai and Addie's haven! Just a few happy faces to share now that it's warm enough outside to spend our morning and evenings digging in the sandbox, drawing with sidewalk chalk, swinging, picking abundant dandelions, taking walks, going to the park, etc. Our little Picasso now has his own easel. It is common for shorts to go into the wash with splashes of pink, yellow, and blue! Why is chalk messier than sand???? Kai and Addie have LOVED the sandbox so far! Finally Addie understands NOT to eat the sand which has been helpful for tantrum-free playtime! Kai proudly tells people everywhere we go that he has "new" sand in his sandbox! Addie continues to try to feed herself with utensils. I'm absolutely positive more makes it into her bib than into her mouth if Daddy or I are not right there to assist! A baby update: I'm now 34 wks along and our little guy is doing fabulous. At this point, the pregnancy is normal and we're really praying for it to stay that way until our due date July 12th (although late June would be okay by me)! I've gotten through my most critical weeks (31-34 wks). By this point with Addie I had been on bedrest for 3+ wks already and Kai was already born. So naturally, I'm feeling pretty good about things! Derrick and I decided to introduce Kai to his brother by name. It has been really cool how much more he seems bonded to the baby! He talks about him by name and is more interested how he's doing. We're not telling the name, but Kai just might if you ask!!

1 comment:

Jos said...

I love summer too. It feels so good!!!! We'll have to come hang out with you again soon in your fun yard.