Friday, May 21, 2010

Addalyn's 1st Birthday

Our little girl is ONE! It's unbelievable how fast this past year has actually gone (which is HUGE for me to say)! Addie has been such a wonderful addition to our family. I can't imagine life without her. She's sweet and cute in every way! She has blessed us so greatly and we are glad to celebrate her FIRST YEAR milestone! In honor of her, we did a small party at our house with family and camp family. I decided to make DIRT CAKE with gummi worms for her, which was perfect. She LOVED it and fed it to herself. She is enjoying all her new gifts....and so is Kai! We've had to remind Kai that they were given to Addie and that SHE is graciously SHARING! Thanks to everyone for blessing her with toys and clothes! Here's a few moments from her big day! This is everyone singing to her.....she wasn't sure what to think and slightly intimidated by everyone starring at her! Overwhelmed by all the new gifts and people willing to show her what to do with them! You know she's excited when her feet are off the floor! A pre-party shot. This was her wake up birthday hair!! Wow! We are starting to have to tame it several times throughout the day! Just some footage of how INTENTLY she was enjoying her dirt cake! This was also the first time she fed herself with a spoon....not bad. We are making it a habit now!

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