Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Snowed In

You gotta love snow days in Colorado!
This our pre-storm. It was a cool combo of sun and fog. Here's Kai trying to burn some energy during Addie's nap. Didn't last long.......haven't gotten new sizes of snowpants/boots/gloves in October!!! Wet. Burrrr! Later the same week was the BIG storm. We got 2+ft. of snow and were confined to the indoors except when Daddy passed by in the plow truck. Thank goodness for outings to the dining hall. We didn't leave camp from Wed. to Sat. Let's just say, minivans are good for a lot of things....snow is not one of them! One morning we all played in a blanket fort!
Funny look Adster! She enjoyed her brother's enthusiasm for the fort!
Kai insisted on bringing ALL his toys into the fort. But hey, it took time to gather all of them and fit them in. As you can see, he's not much for organization!
This was the snow accumulation on Thurs. morning. It was hard to tell how much was really out there because of the drifts. But notice the rail is hardly anything and the chair is completely covered! To entertain myself during our week at home, I dove into "craft mode." I have been self-teaching on the sewing machine during naptime the last couple weeks so I could attempt some small projects, like these pacifier straps. It was fun to pick out the fabric and play around with making these straps work!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

suzie homemaker ... are you taking orders for those paci clips??? cute!