Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kai quotes

Kai is astonishing us lately. He mimicks things we say very well if we ask him to repeat things, but he also has started pulling "old words" out of his hat at random times. Here's a couple captured quotes: Derrick was walking out the door for work while Kai was playing with his toys in the front room and he causually yells "Peace out Daddy!" Daddy takes Kai to breakfast at camp on occassion. Addie and I are usually just rising but still in bed. As he's getting whisked away in Derrick's arms he yells over his shoulder to me, " Have fun mama!" I think he thought we would be missing out. I didn't feel that way. LOL Kai really enjoys when Addie wakes up from her sleep. He gets in her face (literally inches away) and tells her "Addie's so so cute" and "How doing Addie?" We taught Kai to say "awesome possum" a while ago. When he can't remember the saying in context, he just says "possum." We've had roofers working around camp the last couple weeks. Derrick and I have commented while Kai is present about the mess they make and trash that gets left in their work areas. Now if we see trash or roof debris, Kai asks "workmens mama?" Our tomato plants that we've attempted to grow got robbed by the neighbor kids. We told Kai how it was naughty that they picked the tomatoes because they weren't their tomatoes and because they weren't ripe. Now when we say anything about tomatoes and/or the neighbor kids, Kai says "naughty boys."

1 comment:

DL said...

Sounds like he observes everything. Remind me to watch what I saw next time I see you guys!