Monday, August 17, 2009

Addie 3 months

Our little cutie pie just turned 3 months old on Saturday! We are starting to see some of Addie's little personality by her talk, smiles, and temperment. She has become so fun in the last few weeks, smiling and cooing. She lifts her head up pretty well and always wants to be sitting up so she can see the action. She is starting to be entertained by her brother (I can see where this will be nice in coming months). She tracks his sounds and movements all over the place! She's weighing in somewhere between 10.5-11 pounds. She is such a sweetheart.....pretty mild and a good sleeper.
Addie's 1st visit to Red Feather Lake area (N. CO)
Mom is actually catching my smiles!!
Kai and Addie hangin' in the crib that Addie likes to watch the mobile, so does Kai. Go figure.
I've heard older kids can regress somewhat with new infants in the house, but this far, really? HEHEHE
Addie being happy on a LONG car ride. Good girl.

1 comment:

Jos said...

Lovin all your new entries. What a sweet family! Glad you got to do so much with them.