Friday, April 18, 2008

Sick with good spirits

Kai has been extremely "snotty" this week with a cold and now has a plugged tear duct causing loads of yellow "goo" in his eyelashes. Poor little guy! He'll pull through! His most recent past times include stuffing his WHOLE fist in his mouth (and by gosh, he's almost got it) and then chomping on this fist so that I can here his bones rub together (gross, really). He also will wind up to a full scream while extending his arms with fists straight down at this sides. It's a vision for Derrick and I of what a temper-tantrum will entail in the future!

His food introductions continue to go well. We're up to 3 veggies and 2 fruits and growing. We're starting to explore trying to feed him away from at camp meals. All's well so far. It'll be easier once he masters sitting up so we can actually use a resturant-style highchair.

Anyway, pretty mundane with the little guy so snotty. Check back next week.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Your hair looks so straight in that last entry! :o) He's getting so big!